How Does It Work
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Curriculum Alignment

We are committed to establishing strong collaborations with government authorities to ensure that the education we offer seamlessly aligns with national curriculum standards.

Interactive Learning

This is not just another E-learning app. Trust us when we say we bring your classroom to your devices in the most comprehensive way that will break down many barriers of the traditional way of learning.

Career Progression

We aim to provide you with all the learning resources you need, from primary school to your first job. Track your learning progress and know your next step. We will be with you every step of the way.

"We want to be with you throughout your
educational journey, into your career, and

Education shouldn't be just about passing exams.

Why ovala

We believe that quality education should be accessible to all. We go above
and beyond to provide world-class learning experiences that transcend
traditional boundaries.

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Same Education For All

We are collaborating with top educators to deliver high-quality education and making it accessible on everyone's devices, ensuring that we all have access to the same quality content at the same prices.

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Adding Value to Education

Ending the stigma that education has no value.At Ovala, we're dedicated to equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to follow your career path and achieve your dreams

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Bring It to Your Home

We are thrilled to be working towards ensuring that children from all backgrounds can access our content through affordable devices. Our commitment to providing resources for all students, especially those in underserved communities, remains steadfast..

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Practical Skills Gap

To address this gap in practical skills, we have devised a method to hone your specific abilities. This deficiency in practical skills can be a hindrance to students' success in an ever-changing global environment."

Frequently Asked Questions

Ovala is a comprehensive learning platform designed to address the challenges currently faced by the Ghanaian education system. Check back here for more information soon

We are targeting the release of Ovala in 2024. Contact us today to join our beta testing list.

We are actively in the planning stages of establishing a direct collaboration with GES (Ghana Education Service) to provide curriculum alignment resources.

Our services offer flexibility by providing you with the choice of either monthly payments or one-time resource purchases. Additionally, we are planning to collaborate with the GES (Ghana Education Service) to provide free learning materials to ensure accessibility and affordability for all students.